Data Literacy Series: Unlock the Power of Data

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you use data to improve services? Join us for a comprehensive journey into the world of data literacy, tailored specifically for community Mental Health and Addiction (MHA) service providers. This webinar series is meticulously crafted to ‘E-QIP’ you to harness the full power of data, to make informed…


Data Fit Indicator: Improving Access to Community MHA Services

This resource was developed to support mental health and addiction (MHA) providers, OHT leads and OHT members involved in the development of cQIPs for OHTs.  The focus of this document is the OHT priority area ‘improving access to community MHA services’ and the associated indicator ‘rate of emergency department visits as first point of contact…


Better Data, Better Outcomes-Use of Standardized Tools in Ontario’s Community Mental Health and Addiction (MHA) Sector-A Six-Part Data Literacy Webinar Series

The objective of this web series is to increase confidence, use and uptake of standardized tools and associated data for decision making in the MHA sector.  E-QIP (EXCELLENCE THROUGH QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) will deliver a webinar and a virtual workshop for each highlighted tool.  These sessions are open to all including those who are already…


Cohort 6 QI Project Report Back Sessions

Congratulations to all of our outstanding Cohort 6 teams on your amazing QI progress! Tune into these report back sessions to hear from teams as they recall their QI journey and share their progress. Report Back Session 1– CLICK HERE to watch a recording Report Back Session 1– CLICK HERE to review the Slide Deck…


The OHT Dilemma: A Lens on Prioritizing and Aligning to Manage Organizational Capacity

A vision for better integrated service delivery is being pursued by health and social service systems internationally. Although the approaches to achieving this goal vary by jurisdiction, efforts towards integrated service delivery in Ontario are taking the form of Ontario Health Teams. The relatively bottom-up organic approach to integrating service delivery through OHTs is based…


Supportive Housing CoP QIP Technical Specifications

This document specifies indicator definitions, reporting periods, and other information for Community Mental Health and Addiction agencies that are participating in the submission of a QIP to the Supportive Housing Community of Practice. Download the Supportive Housing CoP QIP Technical Specifications


Advancing CoP QIP Technical Specifications

This document specifies indicator definitions, reporting periods, and other information for Community Mental Health and Addiction agencies that are participating in the submission of a QIP to the E-QIP Advanced Community of Practice. Download the Advancing CoP QIP Technical Specifications


Run Chart Template

Use this measurement tool to easily graph your data and analyze the impact of your Change Ideas on your system. We have included the Run Chart Rules Handout and the ‘Too Few/Too Many’ Runs table to help you interpret your data and identify which (if any) of the run chart rules are present. Remember, the…


5 Whys Template

This QI tool is used to brainstorm all of the potential contributing factors of your QI issue by asking “why is this happening?” until you arrive at an actionable Root Cause. Although this tool is called a ‘5 Whys tool’ don’t feel limited to asking ‘why?’ 5 times…you may find 3 ‘whys’ is enough, or…


Impact/Effort Grid (Decision Making Matrix)

An Impact/Effort Grid is a tool that teams can use to help them identify which Change Ideas to test first based on their anticipated impact on the quality issue, as well as the resources required to implement the change. Be sure to complete this tool with your QI team! Download the Impact/Effort Grid