The Excellence Through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP) is excited to share that we will be reconvening our Advancing QI and Measurement Community of Practice (CoP) for community MHA providers in October 2024. We are looking forward to reconnecting with past CoP participants and welcoming new members! E-QIP CoP community members will meet monthly for 1 hour to learn and reflect on a variety of topics specific to the mental health and addiction system in Ontario. Our schedule for FY 2024-2025 is outlined below.

CoP Structure and Schedule (FY 2024-2025):

Each CoP Touchpoint will incorporate a combination of education and sharing of the experiences of CoP members from various organizations on the identified topic.  The CoP will meet once per month (Second Friday of each month), for 60 minutes from October 2024- June 2025. The schedule below will be updated throughout the year, watch this space for updates!

Topic and Touchpoint DateDescriptionSpeakers
FY 2024-2025 Kickoff
October 11, 2024
10:00-11:00 AM EST

 Join us for the 2024/25 kickoff session of the Mental Health and Addictions Community of Practice (CoP). This collaborative learning space allows members from across Ontario to share, learn, and network on quality improvement (QI) in the MHA sector. Gain valuable insights, tools, and resources to enhance your QI capacity and leadership. Naushaba Degani, CMHA Ontario and Karen O’Connor, AMHO

Abel Gebreyesus & Linda Saunders, E-QIP
Family Engagement in Quality Improvement
November 8, 2024
10:00-11:00 AM EST
Discover the importance and benefits of engaging families in QI initiatives. Learn how to identify family members’ needs and preferences, involve them in co-design and decision-making, and solicit their feedback and satisfaction to improve the quality of care. Cenza Caciotti, Kinark Child & Family Services

Seema Dave & Abel Gebreyesus, E-QIP
Client Engagement in Quality Improvement
December 13, 2024
10:00-11:00 AM EST
Explore the significance of engaging clients in QI initiatives, with a focus on the ‘Early Aging’ project. This session will cover how to identify their needs and preferences, involve them in co-design and decision-making, and gather their feedback to enhance service delivery. Parvin Merchant, Houselink & Mainstay

Lori Derry & Lucy Forman, E-QIP
Significance of QI in Accreditation
January 10, 2025
10:00-11:00 AM EST
Understand the critical role of Quality Improvement (QI) in meeting and maintaining accreditation standards. Learn the strategic significance of quality and how to present your tools, projects, and feedback to show adherence to standards.Melanie McGregor, CMHA Halton and Heather Heaman, CMHA York Region and South Simcoe

Lucy Forman & Seema Dave, E-QIP
Equity in QIP
February 14, 2025
10:00-11:00 AM EST
This Touchpoint will focus on actionable steps to integrate equity within organizational culture, improve data practices, and ensure that QI efforts are inclusive and effective. Experts from SHIP will share insights and experiences in developing and integrating an equity-focused approach within their quality improvement and data practices including the use of PDS data to identify gaps, prioritize equity-deserving groups, and build QI plans that address housing and service needs in the mental health and addictions (MHA) sector. They will highlight lessons learned and practices from the mental health and addictions (MHA) sector, with a specific focus on housing services. 

This session is ideal for professionals committed to advancing equity through data-driven QI and for those looking to foster an inclusive data culture within the mental health and housing support fields. 
Shereen Rampersad and Allan Chong, Services and Housing in the Province (SHIP) 

Hasan Rizvi & Laura Daly-Trottier, E-QIP
Introduction to implementing and using Power BI 
March 14, 2025
10:00-11:00 AM EST
Get an overview of Power BI and its components. Learn about its benefits, implementation steps, and how to create reports and dashboards for data visualization and sharing. The session will focus on the learnings from implementing Power BI and how it contributes to the organizations’ QI effort. Maryann Roebuck & Mary Maduabum, CMHA Ottawa
Mohamed Badsha & Frank Sijinardo, Reconnect community Services 

Abel Gebreyesus & Lori Derry, E-QIP
QIP: Planning for Improvement
April 11, 2025
10:00-11:00 AM EST
Learn how to set relative improvement targets, generate specific change ideas, and develop a step-by-step plan to test and implement these ideas using the PDSA cycle. The presenters will discuss how a QIP is used as a communication document among leadership, staff, clients and board to advance quality improvement work. Understand the importance of performance measurement and Quality Improvement Plan communication.Alexandra Clement, CMHA Sudbury Manitoulin

Lucy Forman & Laura Daly-Trottier, E-QIP
Measurement Based Care (MBC)
May 9, 2025
10:00-11:00 AM EST
Discover the definition and purpose of Measurement Based Care (MBC) and its implementation at Homewood research Institute. learn about the benefits of MBC, its collaborative approach, and how it aligns with evidence based practice to optimize treatment outcomes

Ahmed Mauluddin, Jean Costello, Brian Rush and Stephanie Lu, Homewood Research Institute

Seema Dave & Hasan Rizvi,

Grant Writing/Funding applications and QI 
June 13, 2025
10:00-11:00 AM EST
This session will focus on how to leverage data to strengthen grant proposals and funding applications. Participants will learn to align data with funders’ priorities and crafting narratives that showcase the impact and potential of QI initiatives. Connie Cheung, LOFT Community Services 

Lori Derry & Hasan Rizvi, E-QIP

If you are interested in joining our CoP, please complete our registration form below:       

Why Should I Participate in E-QIP’s Advancing QI and Measurement CoP?

CoP members will: 

  • Support interactions and collaboration amongst members
  • Promote the QI work and innovations of MH&A agencies through discussion and sharing​
  • Participate in Q&A sessions with content experts/peers ​
  • Share challenges/successes experienced during agencies’ QI journey​
  • Support members to use their new QI knowledge to make improvements in their service delivery
  • Share, learn, and discuss about QI, system priorities and issues related to delivering high quality MHA care​

We encourage members to attend and participate in meetings and recognize that you may have competing priorities. A full schedule, including information on what will be covered in the meetings will be updated regularly on this web page.

Am I eligible to join E-QIP’s Community of Practice? (for organizations that are new to E-QIP’s CoP)

To join E-QIP’s Community of practice, organizations must meet the following criteria:  

  • Be part of a community MHA agency or a provider of Community MHA services
  • Ability to dedicate resources to regularly participate in monthly meetings AND
  • Have experience leading or participating in a QI project OR have an existing quality improvement plan to document your QI priorities and projects on a regular cycle (e.g., annual/bi-annual)

For more information on how to join, eligibility or ways to engage with E-QIP, contact us at