Run Chart Template

Use this measurement tool to easily graph your data and analyze the impact of your Change Ideas on your system. We have included the Run Chart Rules Handout and the ‘Too Few/Too Many’ Runs table to help you interpret your data and identify which (if any) of the run chart rules are present. Remember, the…


Family of Measures Template

Data collection in QI work is critical to understanding the impact of your Change Ideas on your system. In quality improvement work, three types of measures are used to measure and understand your improvements; Outcome Measures, Balancing Measures and Process Measures. Collectively, these measures are known as the ‘Family of Measures.’ This resource provides a…


Aim Statement Template

An Aim Statement provides a succinct summary of what the QI team hopes to achieve over a specific amount of time including the magnitude of the change you hope to achieve. The Aim Statement acts as the project’s ‘North Star’ by keeping the QI team focused on what they are setting out to achieve and…


Data Collection Planning Guide

For some “data” is considered the four letter word of quality improvement. Visualizing data can leave those that consider themselves “numbers adverse” having flashbacks to a statistics exam or the last time they had to calculate their mortgage rate. Fortunately when it comes to QI data use does not have to be complicated. Data in…


Measurement Plan Template

Use this template to record data collected throughout your QI project, including your Outcome, Balancing and process Measures. Be sure to agree on how each of your measures is collected (data frequency guidance), the team member responsible for recording your data and identify a goal/target to measure your success!


Run Chart Rules Guide

Run Charts are a useful way to tell and communicate your data story to key stakeholders throughout your QI project. Use this guide to interpret your data and determine if your change ideas are resulting in non-random variation (that is, whether or not your change ideas are having an impact on your system) The 4…