The Excellence through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP) is a Quality Improvement program focused on leadership and capacity building co-led by Addictions and Mental Health Ontario (AMHO) and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario. E-QIP is funded by and delivered in collaboration with the Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence (MHA CoE) at Ontario Health. E-QIP promotes and supports the use of evidence-based assessment tools to do quality improvement (QI) and aims to improve mental health and addiction care in the community by:
- Building QI and data capacity to support MHA organizations develop and embed a culture of quality improvement;
- Providing resources and supports that guide organizations in aligning their QI and measurement activities to system and regional level priorities;
- Supporting the MHA sector to broaden understanding and consistent use of standardized tools and datasets, and;
- Working closely with the CoE to advance regional and provincial level priorities in the MHA sector.
E-QIP works collaboratively with system partners to foster a data driven approach to improving care in the community mental health and addiction sector and to support the implementation of The Roadmap to Wellness.