Digital Health Week Spotlight: Houselink and Mainstay Community Housing

In March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated many rapid changes to service delivery within the community mental health and addiction sector. In order to support agencies, E-QIP launched our #QIOnTheFly initiative to help organizations document the rapid changes they were making to their services in order to continue to support clients and tenants while balancing…


Digital Health Week Spotlight: House of Sophrosyne

In March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated many rapid changes to service delivery within the community mental health and addiction sector. In order to support agencies, E-QIP launched our #QIOnTheFly initiative to help organizations document the rapid changes they were making to their services in order to continue to support clients and tenants while balancing…


E-QIP is excited to share we have officially ‘Kicked-off’ our Advancing QI and Measurement Community of Practice (CoP)!

Last Friday the Excellence through Quality Improvement project (E-QIP) officially reconvened our Community of Practice following a short summer hiatus. In total, 42 participants representing 32 MHA organizations attended this session . Over the next 6 months, this group will meet bi-weekly for 1 hour meetings to discuss their organization’s QI planning cycle and activities…


E-QIP officially launches our sixth cohort of QI and data coaching!

The E-QIP team is excited to share that we officially kicked off our sixth cohort of QI and data project coaching this week with our first Executive Sponsor session. From now until March 2022, 16 community mental health and addiction agencies will work closely with E-QIP QI and Data coaches and PSSP Implementation Specialists to…


E-QIP is now accepting applications for our next cohort of QI project coaching!

The Excellence through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP) is now accepting applications for our next cohort of QI project coaching. If selected, agency teams will work with a coach to develop essential QI and data analytic skills to complete and sustain a QI project and build a culture of continuous quality improvement. Apply today to: Receive…


E-QIP at the the 6th Annual #MHImprove Network Meeting

On June 14, 2021 the Excellence through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP) joined over 200 providers from 12 countries at the 6th Annual Mental Health Improvement Network Meeting to share learnings related to quality improvement in mental health and addiction services. Presentation topics included the remote delivery of mental health services in Wales, improving suicide prevention…


Please join us in welcoming Maria Papadimitriou!

The E-QIP team is thrilled to announce that in April we welcomed Maria Papadimitriou as the new co-lead of the Excellence through Quality Improvement Project and Director of Quality and System Performance at Addictions and Mental Health Ontario. Before Joining E-QIP,  Maria was at Health Quality Ontario working in collaboration with health system, and cross-sectoral partners…


E-QIP celebrates the release of the 2020-2021 Quality Improvement Plan Report for the Community MH&A sector!

The Excellence through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP) is excited to share the 2020-21 Quality Improvement Plan report for the community mental health and addiction sector.  This report highlights the quality improvement plans (QIP) of twelve pioneer leaders from the community mental health and addiction sector.  In fiscal year 2019-20, pre-COVID, E-QIP brought together leaders in…


SAVE THE DATE! E-QIP QI Innovations Virtual Conference 2021 taking place April 13 2021

The Excellence through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP) is pleased to announce we will be hosting our first ever virtual conference, QI Innovations: Understand-Pivot-Change April 13 2021. This one-day virtual event highlighting and celebrating quality and innovations in the Community Mental Health and Addiction sector will include networking opportunities, poster presentations, concurrent sessions, wellness activities, panelists…


Promising Practice- OCAN Quality Improvement Network: Improving OCAN’s use in recovery-oriented practice and planning

What you need to know The Ontario Common Assessment of Need (OCAN) is an evidenced-based, standardized assessment for the community mental health sector. The OCAN Quality Improvement (QI) Network consists of 11 mental health and addiction organizations that provide community mental health services across the province. The OCAN QI Network is led by the Excellence…