E-QIP Team kicks off Cohort 5 of QI Project Coaching!
The Excellence through Quality Improvement Project (E-QIP) is pleased to share that we have officially kicked off our next cohort of QI project coaching and will be working with 17 teams representing 15 community Mental Health and Addiction agencies. From now until March 31, 2021 these teams will receive individualized quality improvement and data coaching support to implement a QI initiative at their agency with the goal of improving client outcomes, specifically client experience.
We are also continuing our work with our Advancing Measurement Community of Practice, which introduced new members on September 11th, 2020 and our Supportive Housing Community of Practice which resumed work on September 14, 2020. With the addition of 13 new agencies into these two CoPs, this impressive group consists of a total of 41 agencies working to move the QI bar in the province, including submitting Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) utilizing priority OPOC indicators.
E-QIP continues to engage and support agencies during COVID-19 through our ‘QI on the Fly’ webinar series as well as helping agencies capture rapid improvements using a newly developed ‘quick qi template’. To read more about how agencies are adapting service during the pandemic, click here. Through the Fall, we will also begin delivering a webinar series on data literacy. Finally, the E-QIP team is also offering Governance and Leadership training to boards of directors and/or senior leadership in community agencies. If you would like to learn more about these trainings, please email us at quality@e-qip.ca or Naushaba Degani at ndegani@ontario.cmha.ca or Debbie Bang at Debbie.bang@amho.ca