A vision for better integrated service delivery is being pursued by health and social service systems internationally. Although the approaches to achieving this goal vary by jurisdiction, efforts towards integrated service delivery in Ontario are taking the form of Ontario Health Teams. The relatively bottom-up organic approach to integrating service delivery through OHTs is based on primary care referral patterns and has created some unique regional issues for some partner organizations. This has resulted in leadership challenges within mental health and addiction organizations related to OHT system demands, multiple accountabilities, and managing internal resources and quality improvement projects. This webinar will offer some concrete approaches to managing these challenges and using resources strategically and efficiently.

Primary Audience: Senior leaders and OHT leads in community MHA agencies that are involved in OHTs

Secondary Audience: Other leaders within the MHA sector or within OHTs

E-QIP is pleased to present this webinar on the following dates/times:

February 22 2022 (1:30pm-3:00pm EST)- CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!

March 1 2022 (10:00am-11:30am EST)- CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!