There are many ways to engage with E-QIP and build QI and data capacity at your organization!
Apply for QI and Data Coaching Support
E-QIP is pleased to offer tailored quality improvement support to community mental health and addiction agencies. CLICK HERE to learn more about 1:1 QI project coaching. ***Please Note the application period for our next cohort of QI project coaching has closed.*** If you are interested in receiving QI project coaching support, email us at to learn about our next cohort coaching opportunity.
Request a Consultation
E-QIP is pleased to offer tailored quality improvement and data support to community mental health and addiction organizations seeking to improve the quality of their mental health & addiction services, improve health outcomes and enhance client and family satisfaction. Consultations provide organizations with the opportunity to receive support on an identified quality or data issue with one of our expert QI and Data Coaches. CLICK HERE to learn more and request a consultation!
Enroll in our Foundations to QI (IDEAS) e-Learning course
E-QIP’s Foundations to QI (IDEAS) course is a comprehensive introductory quality improvement (QI) course customized for the community mental health and addiction sector. This foundational QI course introduces participants to: (1) Key QI concepts using the Model for Improvement, (2) Knowledge of foundational methods of QI, and (3) Opportunities to apply practical tools in order to improve experiences and outcomes for service users and staff.
Through completion of this course, participants become well versed in a common language and approach to QI with the explicit aim to improve client/tenant care, experience and outcomes. Participants complete the Foundations Program ready to participate in and contribute to QI projects and initiatives at their home organization. CLICK HERE to learn more and enroll today!
Request Governance and Leadership Training
Our governance and leadership training on quality improvement (QI) and measurement is delivered to senior leaders and/or the board of directors of an organization. We provide a general overview of QI, data-driven decision making and how these areas can support organizational and strategic priorities. We focus on the role of senior leaders in championing, guiding and building a quality culture. The training is customized to your organization’s needs based on your objectives and where you are in QI culture and in performance management. CLICK HERE to learn more and request governance and leadership training for your organization!
Join our Community of Practice
E-QIP is excited to reconvene the monthly Advancing QI and Measurement Community of Practice (CoP) for community MHA providers in October 2022. This year, we surveyed MHA providers to identify areas and topics of interest they would like spotlighted in the monthly CoP meetings. These meetings will help agencies use QI and measurement at their organizations by sharing information and resources and learning from the innovative practice of others. To learn more and participate in E-QIP’s CoP CLICK HERE
Complete an assessment of your organization’s QI and data culture
E-QIP is pleased to offer free Quality Improvement and Data Culture assessments. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AN ASSESSMENT!